Property Expert - Mentor

Exclusive trainings

Welcome to my "secret" vault. Here you can access all the previous training sessions I used to run for my community.

We spent a couple of weeks (and sometimes even months) doing all the research and preparation for every single one of them when we first released them, and even though times are different now - especially during this "strange" year, most of the information contained in them is still relevant.

So, whether you are looking to make some profit through renovations, trying to look for discounted properties in A-grade areas, or simply coming up with a plan because you're feeling left-behind, these training sessions will be highly beneficial for you.

And don't worry, there are no sales pitches in them whatsoever. Just pure information.


  • How to use the “Dot Map Exercise” and “2% Increment Rule” to predict the next high-growth suburbs with spooky accuracy… so you only buy in areas which are highly likely to outperform the rest of the market.
  • How to get valuable property data for under $20…
  • ​How to “stress-test” your shortlisted suburbs and narrow down to the 1-2 areas that will win for YOUR strategy... (Forget the “buy and hope” strategy, from now on you’ll be making decisions based on cold, hard facts.)
  • How to build equity faster through strategic renovations - so you can grow your net worth actively - rather than just sitting on your hands and hoping.
  • The number one “profit-sucking” mistake most renovators make - and how to get things right the first time. (Hint: It’s got nothing to do with the renovation itself.)
  • Why reality TV shows like "The Block" and “House Rules” get the renovation process entirely backwards… (Following this model can quickly leave you penniless, back broken and seething with regret. Learn what to do instead.)
  • How to work out the ‘value potential’ of property in any street... so you know how much to spend on a renovation – without over-capitalising. (All it takes is couple of Saturdays, and the right plan.)
  • How to identify what renters in your area crave - so you can build it into your property and skyrocket rental yield. (You’ll attract the highest rental demand -- and best cash flow.)
  • The 5-Year-Property Freedom Plan To Generate More than Enough Passive Income For The Rest Of Your Life... I’m talking about debt free living and money in you pocket each and every month.
  • The 3 Costly Reasons Why People Run Out Of Time & Are Forced To Give Up On Achieving Their Dreams... And these are the most common underlying problems that will prevent you from ever reaching your goals.
  • And How To Only Purchase Your Investment Properties In investment grade areas, That Set To Grow, and do so before they are on every other investor’s radars!
  • Build a highly profitable portfolio of just 3-4 properties in the next 5-years (WITHOUT sacrificing your lifestyle now).
  • Grow you equity by $1M, or even $5 MILLION, in the next 15-years (even if you’re starting from scratch and hate risk).
  • ​Virtually guarantee yourself $50k - $250k passive income from property in retirement (more than enough to live the “high life” of travel, luxury and leisure)
  • And… predict the growth trajectory of virtually ANYTHING with spooky accuracy – from suburb appreciation, to company growth, to the growth of your own personal wealth – just by understanding how “The Invisible Hand” does its thing.
  • How To Know The Best Moment In The Cycle To Buy An Investment Property To Maximise Its Earning Potential... Without Timing The Market Or Paying Any Attention To The News.
  • How To Find ‘Discounted Properties’ In The Best Areas Without Wasting Time, or Sifting Through Thousands Of Property Listings...
  • ​I will show you The Multiple Offers Technique - How To Negotiate On Multiple Deals Simultaneously... To multiply your ability to secure a killer deal quickly
  • How to invest against the prevailing economic market cycle... so you can build your portfolio much faster and reach your ‘retire early’ income target sooner...
  • ​I’m going to show you why the old model of finding an investment property is broken... And how a new, much faster way, allows you to target only the ‘discounted properties’ on the market, saving you time and frustration... so you can find great deals online (from the comfort of your own home), without sifting through thousands of property listings
  • How To Achieve A ‘Designer Look’ That Buyers Go Crazy For - Even If You Have Zero Renovation Experience And Terrible Taste… so you can very profitable renovation (I used this to create a bidding war on my last project)...
  • How to create that WOW factor! The signature pieces, that make people absolutely fall in love with your property... And the fail-safe way of doing this...
  • The Little-Known Data Secret That Elevates Your Property’s Market Value High Above All The Other Properties In Your Street… 
  • How To Source High-End (Looking) Fixtures and Fittings For Way Below Retail Price And Without Wasting Money On Unnecessary Items either…
  • And Why you should never settle for your builder’s suppliers when it comes to fixtures and fittings... Because this can end up costing you an absolute fortune...

Video Series

  How to grow and fine-tune a 'retire-early' portfolio

Video 1

  • ​The 3 most powerful levers to build a high-performing portfolio...
  • ​How to identify and survive the chokehold of a portfolio killer...
  • ​The critical things that highly successful investors do that others don’t...

Video 2

  • ​How to defeat portfolio killers and CLAW back precious years…
  • ​When will the investment properties you own allow you to retire?...
  • ​Why everything you know about property investing isn’t enough…

Video 3

  • ​The final two investor behaviours and where you really sit…
  • ​The five-step process to property investment mastery…
  • How Lisa secured the deal of the century in just 3 weeks (NOT 2 YEARS!)…

Video 4

  • ​How to grow & fine-tune a 'retire-early' portfolio in the next 12 months!

  How to Find, Buy, Renovate and Profit from Run-Down Properties in High Growth Areas

Video 1

  • What a coal-mine explosion taught me about making money with property - and how you can use the same lesson to bank $1 million with just two properties and one renovation…
  • The difference between a Strategic Renovation and the “hope renovations” that most new renovators fall prey to.
  • ​​Why your first property is always the hardest… and how to get it under your belt with minimum stress.
  • How to work out the ‘value potential’ of property in any street... so you know how much to spend on a renovation -- without over-capitalising.
  • ​Two common ‘cover ups’ used by sellers to hide sinister property defects. (One of them is fresh wallpaper…)
  • 3 dead giveaways that your property has been water affected… (This can save you thousands in re-stumping and expensive structural work.)
  • ​Learn how to boost ‘street appeal’ (and property value) with five simple renovation techniques. (These small street-facing tweaks can easily attract $2, $3 or even $5 for every $1 spent!)

Video 2

  • The 5 types of renovation and how to choose the one that’s best for your budget, skill level and suburb.
  • The TWO rooms of any house that will give you the biggest bang for your buck. (Get these right and valuers won’t be able to resist adding tens of thousands of dollars to your property.)
  • What colour to paint a house to get the biggest boost to your equity…
  • ​A simple paint application process that will save you thousands without sacrificing quality. (Not many painters use this technique… but when you find one that does it’s an absolute goldmine.)
  • How to resurface a bath tub for just a few dollars -- and get a clean, new and durable finish.
  • The 3 factors that must be present for a profitable renovation… (HINT: Two of them have nothing to do with the renovation itself.)
  • How I bought my first property for $475,000, invested $50k for a renovation, and had it revalued 9 months later for $700,000. (A whopping $175,000 profit in 9 months.)

Video 3

  • How the ‘Box On The Back’ renovation let’s you bump your property into a whole new price bracket... for a relatively small investment. (You can turn a 3 bedroom house into a 4-bedder with a luxurious, open-plan living area – and oversized kitchen – using this technique stolen from the commercial building world!)
  • How to ‘stage’ a property to impress the property valuer and command the highest possible price. (You’ll see how $2,235 worth of decorations – arranged in the right way – can easily add tens of thousands onto your property’s value.)
  • ​How $24 lighting from Bunnings can add a modern twist to any property… so renters can’t wait to snap it up.
  • A simple buying tip to save money on a brand new kitchen splashback (without sacrificing the look and feel)...
  • How to make worn out roof tiles look (and perform) like new for just $1,600…
  • And… we’ll check back in with Russell... and see his finished property. (You’ll learn why he now says: “I can’t believe how easy it is. I cannot believe how easy it is.”)

Video 4

  • ​How To Find, Buy, Renovate And Profit From Run Down Properties In High Growth Areas and why joining The Ultimate Guide To Renovation is the best way to go

Attention: The 'Secret' Vault is currently open

Closing again in:

Standalone training sessions

The secret science to renovating for a profit every time 

  • How to use the “Dot Map Exercise” and “2% Increment Rule” to predict the next high-growth suburbs with spooky accuracy… so you only buy in areas which are highly likely to outperform the rest of the market.
  • How to get valuable property data for under $20…
  • ​How to “stress-test” your shortlisted suburbs and narrow down to the 1-2 areas that will win for YOUR strategy... (Forget the “buy and hope” strategy, from now on you’ll be making decisions based on cold, hard facts.)
  • How to build equity faster through strategic renovations - so you can grow your net worth actively - rather than just sitting on your hands and hoping.
  • The number one “profit-sucking” mistake most renovators make - and how to get things right the first time. (Hint: It’s got nothing to do with the renovation itself.)
  • Why reality TV shows like "The Block" and “House Rules” get the renovation process entirely backwards… (Following this model can quickly leave you penniless, back broken and seething with regret. Learn what to do instead.)
  • How to work out the ‘value potential’ of property in any street... so you know how much to spend on a renovation – without over-capitalising. (All it takes is couple of Saturdays, and the right plan.)
  • How to identify what renters in your area crave - so you can build it into your property and skyrocket rental yield. (You’ll attract the highest rental demand -- and best cash flow.)

The 5 year property freedom plan for investors in their 40's & 50's

  • The 5-Year-Property Freedom Plan To Generate More than Enough Passive Income For The Rest Of Your Life... I’m talking about debt free living and money in you pocket each and every month.
  • The 3 Costly Reasons Why People Run Out Of Time & Are Forced To Give Up On Achieving Their Dreams... And these are the most common underlying problems that will prevent you from ever reaching your goals.
  • And How To Only Purchase Your Investment Properties In investment grade areas, That Set To Grow, and do so before they are on every other investor’s radars!

The "invisible hand" that guides the economy, the property market, and your wealth

  • Build a highly profitable portfolio of just 3-4 properties in the next 5-years (WITHOUT sacrificing your lifestyle now).
  • Grow you equity by $1M, or even $5 MILLION, in the next 15-years (even if you’re starting from scratch and hate risk).
  • ​Virtually guarantee yourself $50k - $250k passive income from property in retirement (more than enough to live the “high life” of travel, luxury and leisure)
  • And… predict the growth trajectory of virtually ANYTHING with spooky accuracy – from suburb appreciation, to company growth, to the growth of your own personal wealth – just by understanding how “The Invisible Hand” does its thing.

How to instantly profit from discounted properties in A-grade areas

  • How To Know The Best Moment In The Cycle To Buy An Investment Property To Maximise Its Earning Potential... Without Timing The Market Or Paying Any Attention To The News.
  • How To Find ‘Discounted Properties’ In The Best Areas Without Wasting Time, or Sifting Through Thousands Of Property Listings...
  • ​I will show you The Multiple Offers Technique - How To Negotiate On Multiple Deals Simultaneously... To multiply your ability to secure a killer deal quickly
  • How to invest against the prevailing economic market cycle... so you can build your portfolio much faster and reach your ‘retire early’ income target sooner...
  • ​I’m going to show you why the old model of finding an investment property is broken... And how a new, much faster way, allows you to target only the ‘discounted properties’ on the market, saving you time and frustration... so you can find great deals online (from the comfort of your own home), without sifting through thousands of property listings
  • How to use the “Dot Map Exercise” and “2% Increment Rule” to predict the next high-growth suburbs with spooky accuracy… so you only buy in areas which are highly likely to outperform the rest of the market.
  • How to get valuable property data for under $20…
  • ​How to “stress-test” your shortlisted suburbs and narrow down to the 1-2 areas that will win for YOUR strategy... (Forget the “buy and hope” strategy, from now on you’ll be making decisions based on cold, hard facts.)
  • How to build equity faster through strategic renovations - so you can grow your net worth actively - rather than just sitting on your hands and hoping.
  • The number one “profit-sucking” mistake most renovators make - and how to get things right the first time. (Hint: It’s got nothing to do with the renovation itself.)
  • Why reality TV shows like "The Block" and “House Rules” get the renovation process entirely backwards… (Following this model can quickly leave you penniless, back broken and seething with regret. Learn what to do instead.)
  • How to work out the ‘value potential’ of property in any street... so you know how much to spend on a renovation – without over-capitalising. (All it takes is couple of Saturdays, and the right plan.)
  • How to identify what renters in your area crave - so you can build it into your property and skyrocket rental yield. (You’ll attract the highest rental demand -- and best cash flow.)
  • The 5-Year-Property Freedom Plan To Generate More than Enough Passive Income For The Rest Of Your Life... I’m talking about debt free living and money in you pocket each and every month.
  • The 3 Costly Reasons Why People Run Out Of Time & Are Forced To Give Up On Achieving Their Dreams... And these are the most common underlying problems that will prevent you from ever reaching your goals.
  • And How To Only Purchase Your Investment Properties In investment grade areas, That Set To Grow, and do so before they are on every other investor’s radars!
  • Build a highly profitable portfolio of just 3-4 properties in the next 5-years (WITHOUT sacrificing your lifestyle now).
  • Grow you equity by $1M, or even $5 MILLION, in the next 15-years (even if you’re starting from scratch and hate risk).
  • ​Virtually guarantee yourself $50k - $250k passive income from property in retirement (more than enough to live the “high life” of travel, luxury and leisure)
  • And… predict the growth trajectory of virtually ANYTHING with spooky accuracy – from suburb appreciation, to company growth, to the growth of your own personal wealth – just by understanding how “The Invisible Hand” does its thing.
  • How To Know The Best Moment In The Cycle To Buy An Investment Property To Maximise Its Earning Potential... Without Timing The Market Or Paying Any Attention To The News.
  • How To Find ‘Discounted Properties’ In The Best Areas Without Wasting Time, or Sifting Through Thousands Of Property Listings...
  • ​I will show you The Multiple Offers Technique - How To Negotiate On Multiple Deals Simultaneously... To multiply your ability to secure a killer deal quickly
  • How to invest against the prevailing economic market cycle... so you can build your portfolio much faster and reach your ‘retire early’ income target sooner...
  • ​I’m going to show you why the old model of finding an investment property is broken... And how a new, much faster way, allows you to target only the ‘discounted properties’ on the market, saving you time and frustration... so you can find great deals online (from the comfort of your own home), without sifting through thousands of property listings
  • How To Achieve A ‘Designer Look’ That Buyers Go Crazy For - Even If You Have Zero Renovation Experience And Terrible Taste… so you can very profitable renovation (I used this to create a bidding war on my last project)...
  • How to create that WOW factor! The signature pieces, that make people absolutely fall in love with your property... And the fail-safe way of doing this...
  • The Little-Known Data Secret That Elevates Your Property’s Market Value High Above All The Other Properties In Your Street… 
  • How To Source High-End (Looking) Fixtures and Fittings For Way Below Retail Price And Without Wasting Money On Unnecessary Items either…
  • And Why you should never settle for your builder’s suppliers when it comes to fixtures and fittings... Because this can end up costing you an absolute fortune...

How to achieve a luxury look without spending a fortune

  • How To Achieve A ‘Designer Look’ That Buyers Go Crazy For - Even If You Have Zero Renovation Experience And Terrible Taste… so you can very profitable renovation (I used this to create a bidding war on my last project)...
  • How to create that WOW factor! The signature pieces, that make people absolutely fall in love with your property... And the fail-safe way of doing this...
  • The Little-Known Data Secret That Elevates Your Property’s Market Value High Above All The Other Properties In Your Street… 
  • How To Source High-End (Looking) Fixtures and Fittings For Way Below Retail Price And Without Wasting Money On Unnecessary Items either…
  • And Why you should never settle for your builder’s suppliers when it comes to fixtures and fittings... Because this can end up costing you an absolute fortune...

Video Series

  How to grow and fine-tune a 'retire-early' portfolio

Video 1

  • ​The 3 most powerful levers to build a high-performing portfolio...
  • ​How to identify and survive the chokehold of a portfolio killer...
  • ​The critical things that highly successful investors do that others don’t...

Video 2

  • ​How to defeat portfolio killers and CLAW back precious years…
  • ​When will the investment properties you own allow you to retire?...
  • ​Why everything you know about property investing isn’t enough…

Video 3

  • ​The final two investor behaviours and where you really sit…
  • ​The five-step process to property investment mastery…
  • How Lisa secured the deal of the century in just 3 weeks (NOT 2 YEARS!)…

Video 4

  • ​How to grow & fine-tune a 'retire-early' portfolio in the next 12 months!

  How to Find, Buy, Renovate and Profit from Run-Down Properties in High Growth Areas

Video 1

  • What a coal-mine explosion taught me about making money with property - and how you can use the same lesson to bank $1 million with just two properties and one renovation…
  • The difference between a Strategic Renovation and the “hope renovations” that most new renovators fall prey to.
  • ​​Why your first property is always the hardest… and how to get it under your belt with minimum stress.
  • How to work out the ‘value potential’ of property in any street... so you know how much to spend on a renovation -- without over-capitalising.
  • ​Two common ‘cover ups’ used by sellers to hide sinister property defects. (One of them is fresh wallpaper…)
  • 3 dead giveaways that your property has been water affected… (This can save you thousands in re-stumping and expensive structural work.)
  • ​Learn how to boost ‘street appeal’ (and property value) with five simple renovation techniques. (These small street-facing tweaks can easily attract $2, $3 or even $5 for every $1 spent!)

Video 2

  • The 5 types of renovation and how to choose the one that’s best for your budget, skill level and suburb.
  • The TWO rooms of any house that will give you the biggest bang for your buck. (Get these right and valuers won’t be able to resist adding tens of thousands of dollars to your property.)
  • What colour to paint a house to get the biggest boost to your equity…
  • ​A simple paint application process that will save you thousands without sacrificing quality. (Not many painters use this technique… but when you find one that does it’s an absolute goldmine.)
  • How to resurface a bath tub for just a few dollars -- and get a clean, new and durable finish.
  • The 3 factors that must be present for a profitable renovation… (HINT: Two of them have nothing to do with the renovation itself.)
  • How I bought my first property for $475,000, invested $50k for a renovation, and had it revalued 9 months later for $700,000. (A whopping $175,000 profit in 9 months.)

Video 3

  • How the ‘Box On The Back’ renovation let’s you bump your property into a whole new price bracket... for a relatively small investment. (You can turn a 3 bedroom house into a 4-bedder with a luxurious, open-plan living area – and oversized kitchen – using this technique stolen from the commercial building world!)
  • How to ‘stage’ a property to impress the property valuer and command the highest possible price. (You’ll see how $2,235 worth of decorations – arranged in the right way – can easily add tens of thousands onto your property’s value.)
  • ​How $24 lighting from Bunnings can add a modern twist to any property… so renters can’t wait to snap it up.
  • A simple buying tip to save money on a brand new kitchen splashback (without sacrificing the look and feel)...
  • How to make worn out roof tiles look (and perform) like new for just $1,600…
  • And… we’ll check back in with Russell... and see his finished property. (You’ll learn why he now says: “I can’t believe how easy it is. I cannot believe how easy it is.”)

Video 4

  • ​How To Find, Buy, Renovate And Profit From Run Down Properties In High Growth Areas and why joining The Ultimate Guide To Renovation is the best way to go

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